a few large metal structures

From connected to smart energy 和 utilities solutions

We enable smarter, 为您的客户和运营提供更安全、更环保的能源和公用事业解决方案.

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SARP Groupe choose Remote Visual Assistance from ALE

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Digital Age Communications for a smarter Operations Control Centre

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a field worker fixing a power line
Energy 和 Utilities

Communications empower energy 和 utilities field workers

Real-time solutions on mobiles, with cloud-based apps, aid field service management in minimizing operational risks.

Energy 和 utilities operations control centre blog main image
Energy 和 Utilities

A smarter Operations Control Centre for energy 和 utilities


Energy 和 utilities OT 和 IT convergence blog image
Energy 和 Utilities

Trend watch: OT-IT convergence in energy 和 utilities


Control room image for blog post
OmniPCX Enterprise Communication Server

Communications: 的 heart of an Operations Control Centre

Next-generation OCC enables mission-critical communications, improves efficiency 和 transport operators’ decision-making.

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